Ekateryna Yakymuk – JR

Ekateryna Yakimyuk was born in 2003 in Ukraine and made alyia to Israel in 2017.

In 2009 she was accepted to the ballet school at the Academic Theater for Opera and Ballet.

In 2017, she began her studies at the “Bat Dor Beer Sheva” dance school. From 2022-2018 she studied dance at the “Talma Yelin” high School for the Arts and from 2021 she participated in classes for excellence in dance at the “Bikhuri Ha’ayim” TLV dance center.

Ekaterina joined Kamea as an apprentice on August 22, promoted to Junior Dancer on January 24.

“Since I arrived in Israel, I dreamed of dancing with a kamea. Fulfilling the dream and being part of the company is a significant milestone in my life.”