Yarden Keidar – JR dancer

Yarden Keider was born in 2005 in Nof HaGalil.

In 2011 she moved with her family to Kibbutz Ein Dor in the Yizrael Valley.
Jarden began her career as an artistic gymnast in 2011. In 2017, she joined the Emek Yizrael “Art House” directed byf Gabi Tzefania, where she received her dance training in classical ballet, modern dance, hip hop and jazz.

At the same time, between the years 2020-2021, she took part in the Batsheva Company’s “Hammama” project and participated in summer courses of Israeli companies for several years.

In 2023 she received the status of outstanding dancer in the IDF.
Yardan joined Kamea as an apprentice on August 23, promoted to junior dancer on January 24.